
Gambia, The

The Gambia is the smallest country in West Africa. It has a short coast on the Atlantic Ocean but is otherwise completely surrounded by Senegal. The Gambia is a mainly flat and low-lying strip of land bisected by the River Gambia. It has rocky hills to the east and many sandy beaches along the coast. 

Secretariat support for The Gambia 

Elections support 

The Secretariat has provided support to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) on The Gambia’s electoral reforms.

Elections work

Human rights 

In March 2019, the Commonwealth Small States Office in Geneva helped Gambian government and civil society members build skills to report on human rights in the country under the United Nation’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. It helped The Gambia finalise its national UPR report in November 2019. 

Human rights work

Law reform 

In February 2019, The Gambia finalised a draft law on computer-related crime and security so that it conforms with the Commonwealth Model Law in this area. 

Law reform work

Public institutions 

The Secretariat advised the Gambian government on public finance, internal auditing (checking processes) and managing risks. The Gambia has made good progress in strengthening its public institutions and systems. It is applying Commonwealth recommendations and publishing bids to buy goods and services. 

Public institutions work

Debt management 

The Secretariat's new debt management system, Meridian, is being implemented in The Gambia. 

Debt management work

Natural resources 

In January 2019, the Secretariat advised Gambian government officials on the financial and legal aspects of deep-sea mining and managing natural resources in a sustainable way. 

Natural resources work

Blue Charter

The Gambia is a member of the Commonwealth Clean Ocean Alliance and Marine Protected Areas Action Groups.

Blue Charter

Connectivity Agenda

The Gambia is a member of the Physical, Digital, Regulatory and Supply Side Connectivity clusters of the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda. The Connectivity Agenda is a platform for countries to exchange best practices and experiences to trade and investment and undertake domestic reform.

Connectivity Agenda

The Gambia and the Commonwealth

The Gambia officially rejoined the Commonwealth in February 2018.

Find out more 

Learn more about the Secretariat's work

Total population

231205 Tools to limit climate change

QA test milestone

The Secretary-General and the Commonwealth delegation also visited Damarpalli Lake, where officials exhibited water conversation efforts to support climate mitigation efforts.

Key Facts

2.417 million (2022)
11,600 square kilometres
Capital city
Joined the Commonwealth
1965, following independence from Britain; left 2013, rejoined 2018