Open Ended Working Group Meeting on Model Indicators on Sport and the SDGs

Event date: 20 November 2019, 9:30 - 17 October 2024, 7:30

The 2nd Open Ended Working Group Meeting on Model Indicators on Sport and the SDGs will be held at International Labour Organisation (ILO) headquarters in Geneva on November 20th 2019.

The 2nd Open Ended Working Group Meeting on Model Indicators on Sport and the SDGs will be held at International Labour Organisation (ILO) headquarters in Geneva on November 20th 2019.

The Open Ended Working Group is part of a broader international project to develop, test and validate a measurement framework and model indicators to support member countries, sporting bodies and other stakeholders to measure, evaluate and ultimately enhance the contribution of sport, physical education and physical activity to prioritised SDGs and targets.

The initiative primarily delivers on Action 2 of the Kazan Action Plan as well as Action Area 4 of the UN Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace 2018 - 2020, which focuses on improving sport-related data.

The Open Ended Working Group Meeting plays a critical part in advancing collaborative international efforts and allowing diverse stakeholders to contribute to the iterative development and scaled utilisation of common global indicators for the contribution of sport, physical education and physical activity to the SDGs.

The 2nd Open Ended Working Group Meeting will focus on reviewing the updated measurement framework and indicators, sharing key learnings and practical guidance emanating from pilot projects and identifying opportunities to engage additional stakeholders in this initiative.

The meeting will be delivered by the Commonwealth Secretariat working with UNESCO and the ILO as the meeting hosts.

The meeting is being coordinated with the Sporting Chance Forum, which will be held at the Palais de Nations in Geneva from 21 - 22 November, this will enable a number of participants to attend both activities. The meeting is by invitation only.

For further information about the meeting, the Open Ended Working Group or the wider initiative please contact the Sport for Development and Peace Team at the Commonwealth Secretariat [email protected], who are coordinating Action 2 of the Kazan Action Plan.

Sport and the Sustainable Development Goals Indicator Framework

Event briefing note

Project briefing note